I have lost some good friends over the last 5 years...but, the news, which has just reached me in China, of Jerry being KIA is hard to take. I worked with Jerry when I was in Iraq and I have to say that Jerry was something special. He was probably one of the funniest guys I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He was tactically one of the sharpest guys I ever worked with and most importantly he was a great guy. Jerry made me feel welcome in Iraq and made it a point to "take me under his wing". We had some good times driving around in "hard" G-Wagons and we had some funny times when he was helping us get the BW team house established. This is the guy who when I asked him if they had any extra guns...literally brought over a truck full. Jerry was a fantastic guy and I never heard him say one thing bad about anyone else...he always had a smile on his face and if you needed a laugh he was sure to deliver. I was informed (accuracy TBD) that he was killed on Route Irish in a moving ambush. Route Irish has taken many of our friends...and I am sure it will take more. Jerry was a SEAL and I know that his death will hit that community hard. Jerry, his family, and his friends will be in my thoughts and prayers. I/We will miss you Jerry.
I have disabled comments because I do not want anyone using Jerry's death to make any comments about the war in Iraq...Jerry died serving his country and there is no greater honor.