Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Today Hong Kong - Tomorrow Boracay!

Today is the last day in Hong Kong for awhile...it is vacation time. Randi and I are headed to Boracay tomorrow morning for a few days...actually six days. We are really looking forward to a nice vacation and we are hoping that the weather in the Philippines will be nicer than the weather has been in Hong Kong. It has been cold and overcast in Hong Kong for the last week or so...very "Memphis" type weather really. I am definitely looking forward to a little sunshine and some beach time. We will keep you posted on our travels as we head South.

Tonight should be an interesting night...I always enjoy watching Randi go through her packing routine. I do have to say Randi and I have absolute opposite packing routines. My "routine" (if you could even call it that) involves opening up a drawer or two and grabbing items and dropping them into the open suitcase below. I of course have some "order" to the packing; I of course make sure that I have the essentials: socks; boxers; shirts; pants; swim trunks; etc. However, that is the extent of my packing plan. Now, on the other hand Randi has a certified routine, that usually involves: writing out a list; matching outfits; narrowing down the selection; etc. I have found, now mind you I have only been married a year, that 40% of the stuff Randi brings never makes it out of the suitcase. I like to call that "excess" where as Randi calls that "back-up". My idea of a "back-up" is a sub-compact Glock; quite the opposite from hers. So, there shall be some packing in the Farage household this evening. I predict that my packing will take about 15 minutes (from start to finish - including a few minutes of wonderment and nostalgia as I find the proverbial thought lost article of clothing) and Randi will take approximately 90 minutes. Perhaps, I can place a wager with her and drop the packing time to under an hour. Wish me luck.

See you in Boracay!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I identify very strongly with Randi.... :) Have a great vacation, I'm jealous!

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