Thursday, January 31, 2008

Movie Review: Cloverfield

The Farage "F" Rating: FFFFFFFF

Cloverfield was released on January 18, 2007 to much anticipation in the United States as there was a bit of pre-release Internet hype over this film; much as there was about Snakes on a Plane. It was released in Hong Kong on the 17th to the same sort of anticipation. We watched this movie last weekend and Cloverfield is definitely worth seeing as it takes the "Blair Witch" concept of hand held held filming to an entirely different level.

I have read a few reports about people getting "car sick" while watching this movie and I can believe it; the filming is indeed a bit sporadic. I won't spoil the movie here, but faced with the "reality" the characters are experiencing...sporadic is indeed acceptable and adds to the experience of watching this movie. In fact, I cannot think of a more effective filming method.

In my opinion the last big "monster" genre film, 1998's Godzilla, failed miserably in reviving a genre that scared movie goers for decades in the past. Where Godzilla failed, Cloverfield will not. The movie is exciting and if you have a pulse it will startle you a couple of times.

The actors, although none of them were previously famous, performed well and more importantly performed as one would expect under the situation portrayed in the movie. This movie saved money on the actors in order to spend the cash on the special effects; this was an investment that would make Warren Buffett proud. Rumors of a US$30 million budget and an opening weekend of US$41 million in the US and Canada, means this movie is definitely in the black.

The movie is definitely worth seeing, although short, it is a fun ride. You will be pulled through New York in ways you never imagined and the feel of the movie will make you wonder, "what if this really happened?" Regarding a sequel to this movie, one only has to look at all the other "films" that were being made during the movie. As you watch the movie, note how many other people are seen filming the event. The Producer, J.J. Abrams of Lost and Armageddon fame, has hinted at the possibility of sequel from a different perspective. I can't think of a cooler possibility; two movies about the exact same event, occurring at the same time, but completely different. Definitely a neat possibility worthy of further exploration.

One thing to look out for; at the very end of the movie, when two characters are at Coney Island, just watch the sky.

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