Monday, August 03, 2009

The government wants to run health care...

So, let's get this straight. The U.S. government wants to run the U.S. health care industry. Now, some of you may argue that is not what the government wants to do, but what else would you call a single-payer system? In a single-payer system one entity (the government) cuts all the checks and provides near-universal health care. In essence, we would be turning over the U.S. health care industry to the government. The health care industry is massive. It employs over 15 million people and is the 5th largest sector of the U.S. economy. Is this something that we really want to turn over to the U.S. government. Seriously, let's look at their track record with social service programs, let's start with Social Security:

The Congressional Budget Office(CBO) says that only 74% to 78% of benefits will be able to be paid after 2052. The Social Security Trustees suggest that either the payroll tax should increase to 16.41% in 2041 and steadily increased to 17.60% in 2081 or a cut in benefits by 25% in 2041 and steadily increased to an overall cut of 30% in 2081. So, basically Social Security is broken and can only be fixed by raising taxes or cutting benefits.

Now, let's look at Medicare:

According to the 2008 report by the board of trustees for Medicare and Social Security, Medicare spentd more than it brought in from taxes in 2008 and will do the same in 2009. The Medicare hospital insurance trust fund will become insolvent by 2019. This is the fund that pays for Medicare. So, basically Medicare is broken and can only be fixed by raising taxes or cutting benefits.

So, let's summarize this...the two largest social programs in the U.S. are broken or are in the process of becoming insolvent. Yet, the Democrats want to turn over the entire health care industry to the government.

Are you kidding me? With a track record like that I wouldn't let them run a lemonade stand. Seriously, this borders on ridiculous. I think folks are starting to catch on:

We will see what happens over the next few weeks as Congress returns home. I have a feeling there are going to be lots of scenes like this. At least I hope there are.

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