I have made it a point that I am going to attempt…and I do say attempt to post to the Garage more often than I have in the last few months of 2005. I am hoping that 2006 will be a bit more prolific. I am going to go out on a limb here and lay some of my thoughts on the table. Sure…these are probably going to come back and bite me on the ass later down the road…probably when I am running for some political office. Having said that…here we go…my thoughts on what is currently going on in the world.
First off let’s call Harry Belafonte what he really is…an absolute idiot with no concept of what I like to call reality. What kind of American, with any sort of intelligence and national pride, would call the President of the United States “the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world”? I simply ask that…and I suppose Harry is also going to lead a march of the “not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people” who support the Socialist Revolution that Hugo Chavez is leading in Venezuela. This guy is an absolute idiot…an idiot on the scale of which I have not seen in a long, long time. I would definitely classify every breath that Harry takes as an absolute waste of air. Danny Glover and Cornel West…what the heck are you doing there as well? Let’s get back to Harry for a second though…when did he become more than a washed up singer? When did he become an expert on global politics? When did he become an expert on tyranny and terrorism? Has Harry forgotten the names: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Kai-Shek, Lenin, Hussein, Salazar, and Tao just to list a few true Tyrants. Each of those individuals, listed above, was responsible for, at a minimum, the deaths of over a million through initiating or intensifying war, famine, genocide, or by allowing individuals under their command to do so. If we look at Stalin, Hitler, and Mao they were responsible for the murders of 20, 15, and 10 million (respectively) unarmed (non-combatants) individuals during their rule. How can Mr. Belafonte even dare to classify President George W. Bush with those men? It disgusts me, it shames me, and it enrages me. It is reckless, assinine, and plain wrong. I would suggest that Mr. Belafonte get out of the United States of America as soon as possible if he finds President Bush so tyrannous. I doubt he will do so though. I am not even going to the terrorist level. Terrorists are the lowest form of life on earth, attacking innocent and unarmed men, women, and children to further their own twisted agendas. No one with an ounce of analytical capability would ever classify our President as a terrorist. It is shameful. Mr. Belafonte you are a shame to this country, you are shame to your gender, and you are a shame to human beings.
Let’s see what else…The Alito hearings…so far so good. I do think it is a shame that some individuals will vote “nay” just because he is a Republican nominee. That is absolutely ridiculous…Senator Kennedy…that is right you sir are ridiculous. You are a joke to the Senate, you are a joke to this country, and you are a joke as a man. Do something worthwhile…step down from the Senate and take a long vacation and see if you can find your sanity, reason, and backbone while you are out there. I hope Alito is confirmed, I think he would be a great addition to our highest court. I am not sure what some of the Democrats are smoking these days…but, it can’t be legal.
So, let’s move on to the Democrats…and I am not talking about the intelligent ones…I am talking about the ones on the left side, the way left. I guess these folks aren’t going to be happy until we get rid of Christianity, have a gay President with a “first man”, and have all references to God removed from our country. Oh, and let me add that they probably want all aspects of the military disbanded, the borders opened, a global currency and probably ‘666’ tattooed on everyone’s head. Speaking of the Democrats…has anyone heard the disparity between the Republicans and the Democrats in the hearings? I mean the Democrats (for the most part) stammer and stutter while the Republicans come off polished and ready to go. Hmmm…maybe it is just me…and I love how the democrats keep asking the same questions over and over. I guess they are trying to “trip him up”. Do they not understand that this guy (Alito) is smarter than all of them?
What else is going out there? Iraq…we have to stay the course…if we don’t there are going to be dire consequences…mark my words. I have experience with terrorists and I have experience with Iraq, I think you should probably listen. The United States and over 30 other countries going into Iraq was one of the best moves ever made. It would have been like the United States going into Germany when the Germans took Poland in 1939. Hind sight is 20/20 and I am afraid that we will not see the true fruits of our labor for years to come. I just wish more people had the balls to standup and fight. There is a global war on terror going on right now, everyone needs to open their eyes and realize that if we just pull back and let them attack us we will face more September 11th’s and much worse. We must remember that sometimes the best defense is a strong offense. We shall see how things sort themselves out. I hope that the American public can remember that having a strong backbone is a good thing. Can you imagine if we had the overall gusto that the United States has currently back in the 1940’s. Heck we would have given up after Pear Harbor…because more than 11 soldiers were killed in one day and if I am not mistaken…over 2,400 Americans were killed. That beats the almost 3 year total in Iraq to date of just over 2,200 American soldiers, airmen, sailors, and marines. So, can you imagine if that death toll happened today in one day…oh wait it did…September 11, 2001. If I remember correctly every American who could stand wanted to go kick someone’s ass. What happened?
Well, this will be a different year that is for sure. Let’s see how things go…and I will maintain my commentary as we go along…some of it will be funny…some of it won’t be. Stay safe and be careful out there.