Thursday, April 20, 2006
Is it just me or...
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Belafonte...I Think I Found Your Common Sense...

I have made it a point that I am going to attempt…and I do say attempt to post to the Garage more often than I have in the last few months of 2005. I am hoping that 2006 will be a bit more prolific. I am going to go out on a limb here and lay some of my thoughts on the table. Sure…these are probably going to come back and bite me on the ass later down the road…probably when I am running for some political office. Having said that…here we go…my thoughts on what is currently going on in the world.
First off let’s call Harry Belafonte what he really is…an absolute idiot with no concept of what I like to call reality. What kind of American, with any sort of intelligence and national pride, would call the President of the
Let’s see what else…The Alito hearings…so far so good. I do think it is a shame that some individuals will vote “nay” just because he is a Republican nominee. That is absolutely ridiculous…Senator Kennedy…that is right you sir are ridiculous. You are a joke to the Senate, you are a joke to this country, and you are a joke as a man. Do something worthwhile…step down from the Senate and take a long vacation and see if you can find your sanity, reason, and backbone while you are out there. I hope Alito is confirmed, I think he would be a great addition to our highest court. I am not sure what some of the Democrats are smoking these days…but, it can’t be legal.
So, let’s move on to the Democrats…and I am not talking about the intelligent ones…I am talking about the ones on the left side, the way left. I guess these folks aren’t going to be happy until we get rid of Christianity, have a gay President with a “first man”, and have all references to God removed from our country. Oh, and let me add that they probably want all aspects of the military disbanded, the borders opened, a global currency and probably ‘666’ tattooed on everyone’s head. Speaking of the Democrats…has anyone heard the disparity between the Republicans and the Democrats in the hearings? I mean the Democrats (for the most part) stammer and stutter while the Republicans come off polished and ready to go. Hmmm…maybe it is just me…and I love how the democrats keep asking the same questions over and over. I guess they are trying to “trip him up”. Do they not understand that this guy (Alito) is smarter than all of them?
What else is going out there?
Well, this will be a different year that is for sure. Let’s see how things go…and I will maintain my commentary as we go along…some of it will be funny…some of it won’t be. Stay safe and be careful out there.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
2006 Holy Sh*T

Well, as they say time flys when you are having fun and I am definitely having fun (probably too much). But, hey what can you do about that? Well, some may say what is 2006 going to bring us...well...I think it is safe to say probably just about everything that 2005 brought us...just maybe with a little bit of a twist. No one wants to be bored.
Christmas is over and now everyone is trying to get in the groove for the new year...well...let me tell you I am in the groove. Did I make any New Year resolutions this year...not a single one...why kill yourself over some arbitrary item you throw out on December 31st moments before the ball drops. This year I intend not to have resolutions, rather I am going to focus on a few key things that I think I need to improve on. What are they you may ask? Well, that is between the big guy upstairs (God) and yours truly. They aren't significant...nothing as exciting as say...getting off of the crack or deciding to start a multi-billion dollar company...or say save the grey-speckled horned red-neck owl of the Chipawappa Forest. No, not so serious...just little items...cut down on the indiscriminate use of foul language, spend less money on discretionary items, slow down a little bit, etc. So, nothing that will rip off your panties and make you do a double lutz.
This year has been a great year so far...yeah, I know that it is only 6 days in...but, hey wars have been fought and won (or lost - depending upon your side) in the same amount of time. Things are good and we need to be thankful for everything. I tell you what I am so thankful when I see our President stand up and say that he is going to follow the advice of the generals rather than the politicians on a strategy in Iraq. Brilliant idea...listen to the guys on the ground who have trained their entire lives for combat...rather than some Congressman or Congresswoman who just got elected and thinks that the Kashmir Region is a reference to Robert Plant's privates. I am glad to see that we are doing the right thing. All I want is some of these folks who are knocking the Iraq conflict to spend some time on the ground there...and I am not talking a whirlwind tour in your blazer. Negative, I am talking buckling down and putting on the body armor and getting your hands dirty. Only then will you see what is really going on and the difference we are making every day in the cradle of civilization. I miss Iraq and there are times when the desire to go back is so strong it almost brings me to tears. I felt so alive in Iraq...and I do miss it dearly.
Ah...but, why am I not there...a lovely thing we like to call a fiance. There is one thing that I have learned...when you are engaged your fiance actually expects you to stick around in the same zip code...interesting concept. I agree. Well, another reason now is "walks" you bet you "walks". Let me explain my fiance and I are the proud parents of our first baby...who happens to be a one and a half year old German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) named Henry. I had been missing the daily devoted companionship of a canine for sometime, so I worked with the GSP Rescue Society to adopt a GSP. Well, the week before Christmas everything fell into place and we adopted Henry. Henry is awesome...I cannot imagine for the life of me how such a wonderful, smart, devoted, and affectionate dog ever came into the hands of the GSP Rescue Society. This dog is amazing...he is the most loving animal I have ever had the pleasure to be around. If your on a sofa...he is in your lap...never mind the fact that he weighs over 50lbs...he just loves to snuggle. You want to talk about natural hunting instinct...this dog will point on anything that moves...and he is sharp. My fiance and I took him to my parents house in DC for Christmas and the parents live in between two large plots of land owned by George Mason University...and he loved running through the fields...tracking deer...pointing on was beautiful. He is going to start hunting and fieldwork classes in a few months. I just want him to get fully attached to the two of us before the training begins. This dog has awesome potential and I can't wait to get him working; but, he is a pet first and he loves to, first things first...affection...then hunting. You can see ol' Henry above...he is a beautiful animal. Yes, he is chipped so don't even think about it.
Well, I am going to roll on out of this blog for the time being...however...I am working on my predictions for, be sure to check back. Until thankful for all you have and work hard for what you don't...and for God's sake be careful out there.